If you’ve been following me at all for the past year, you’ve probably noticed I love a good detox.
It started in my own journey to lose weight and get healthy after realizing that when it came to
making babies, I wasn’t exactly amazing at bouncing back… at first.
And in this journey I learned about how important it is to prioritize gut health, to do clean gut detoxes, pay attention to inflammation and what causes it, and so much more about nutrition.
I’ve learned that food is medicine and is quite often overlooked. I’ve noticed gaps in western medicine that jump to prescriptions before even evaluating super foods or holistic nutrition.
So I went back to school.. A few times actually. I quickly hung diplomas and certifications on my
wall and had to take them down because now there's so many it just looks weird.
But there’s one thing I keep coming back to working on and unpacking with myself and my
We actually have to detox e v e r y t h i n g.
In the hundreds of people I have worked with, one thing has proven to be true everytime. Not
only do we feed our bodies, we feed our minds and souls too. And while at first that may seem
obvious, what isn’t so obvious is how strongly these are connected. If you’ve ever dove face first
into a cheesecake after a break up, you know it doesn’t take a genius to see we feed our
feelings. But what I’m suggesting runs deeper than that.
If you willingly eat things you know aren’t serving your body or making them healthier (hello
cognitive dissonance), chances are you are doing the same thing in other parts of your life.
For example, let’s say your friend knows sugar makes them feel sick, but they end every day
with dessert anyway. Chances are that the same unfortunate mental negotiation allowing that
to happen, is happening in other parts of their life.
If you aren’t familiar with cognitive dissonance, it’s eye opening. It’s that mental tug-a-war that
happens when you want to do something you know you shouldn’t. That unfortunate mental
negotiation that happens when you talk yourself into doing something you had decided earlier
not to. It's the opportunity to either be proud of yourself or disappointed in yourself.. There is no
You swore off alcohol for 21 days, but caved in. (Learn More About: The Sober Mind)
You decided to give up sugar, but couldn’t keep it out of your coffee. (Learn More)
We’ve all done it.. And we will again.
Or how about all the nights you lay in bed scrolling social media before you go to sleep knowing
it isn’t helping your sleep cycle, dreams or social perceptions? Again, we’ve all done it.
But here's the magic in that. We are constantly being offered a chance to be proud of ourselves.
And one intentional change can build momentum into all areas of your life. The question “what’s
one more thing I can do today to upgrade myself?” is just begging to be in your morning routine.
Set small goals…
Today, I’m going to make a mocktail instead of a cocktail.
Today, I’ll leave my phone in the other room instead of my nightstand.
Today, I’ll use monk fruit instead of sugar.
Today,, I’ll be thoughtful about who I surround myself with.
Today, I’ll avoid social media.
Today, I’ll sign up for Maggie’s Detox Retreat!
I promise you, it will build momentum and the next upgrade will present itself when you need it.
It always seems like an overwhelming overhaul at first, but it really isn’t. You know why?
Because there is never going to be a “Welcome to Healthy Town” sign in your future. It's a
journey that has payouts every day. So just keep asking yourself that question… “What’s one
more thing I can do today to upgrade myself?”
Maggie’s Detox Retreat is coming. It’s all about the holistic detox she writes about above.
Clean food, clean air, clean friends….. Lots of intention.